My Philosophy
I will own student success by ...
- making sure students know what's required for success.
- viewing success as the only acceptable outcome.
- persistently studying student progress.
- adapting instruction to provide support for personal next steps.
- ensuring student access to information, materials, supplies, and support.
- being unwilling to overlook gaps in knowledge.
- being unwilling to let a student wait for others to catch up.
- teaching student's how to make wise decisions and choices that support success.
- giving useful feedback.
- ensure student action on the feedback.
- finding another way to teach and learn.
- being a persistent, positive presence in the student's life.
I will build a community by ...
- modelling democracy in the classroom.
- speaking of students with respect.
- teaching students to be respectful of one another.
- pointing out student strengths.
- making sure everyone has an essential role to play.
- helping students experience and understand the power of positive interdependence.
- establishing positive shared experiences.
- making students aware of common goals with varied routes to achieving them.
- helping students learn how to help one another in productive ways.
I will provide high quality curriculum by ...
- teaching for understanding (by emphasising the concepts, principles, and essential understandings of each learning area).
- teaching for transfer (by making sure students use what they learn in authentic contexts).
- insisting on and supporting consistent growth in high-level thought.
- guiding high-quality discussions to explore important ideas.
- ensuring that students examine varied perspectives and the relative merits of those perspectives.
- helping students connect the important ideas of content with their own lives and experiences.
- vigorously supporting students in developing the skills and attitudes necessary to do quality work.
- start with what the most able students need and support all students in success with that level of curriculum.
I will assess to inform instruction by ...
- systematically observing students at work.
- using pre-assessments to understand students' starting points.
- using ongoing assessments to trace student progress and identify trouble spots.
- asking students to share interests.
- listening and looking at student interests.
- asking students about learning preferences.
- observing students working in different contexts and modes.
- asking students what's working for them and what's not.
- acting on student suggestions.
- using assessment information to plan for reteaching, teaching in a different mode, extending understanding, developing tasks, modifying time expectations, and so on.
I will implement flexible classroom routines by ...
- allowing more time for students who need it.
- enabling students to move ahead who are ready to do so.
- using varied seating arrangements to support the work of individuals and small groups.
- systematically planning and using flexible grouping of students based on readiness, interest, learning preference, random assignment, student choice, and teacher choice.
- ensuring text and supplementary materials at appropriate reading levels.
- using varied support systems to ensure access to information.
- teaching instruction for the whole class, small groups, and individuals.
I will create varied avenues to learning by ...
- teaching presentations in varied modes.
- encouraging student exploration and expression of content in varied modes.
- encouraging student suggestions for ways to learn.
- implementing options for a variety of working conditions.
- delivering tasks at different levels of difficulty and providing appropriate support to move to the next level of difficulty.
- offering mini-workshops or conferences on key skills.
- offering interest-based options for how to apply essential knowledge, understanding, and skill.
- using small group instruction to target student interests and needs.
- periodically using varied homework assignments to consolidate or extend learning.
- providing opportunities for creative, practical, and analytical exploration of essential content.
I will share responsibility for teaching and learning by ...
- ensuring student voice in establishing classroom guidelines.
- ensuring that students take responsibility for implementation of classroom guidelines.
- carefully defining and teaching classroom routines to ensure student success.
- consistently debriefing about classroom routines to ensure student success.
- guiding students in establishing classroom rules.
- helping students understand the teacher's work, goals, feelings about progress toward goals, and need for assistance.
- assigning "teacher roles" to students e.g., handing out materials, providing help while the teacher works with small groups, designing interest centres, establishing due dates for projects, etc.).
- teaching students to play those roles effectively.
- asking for student input on how the class is working for them and what could make it work better.
- teaching for student independence.