My Pledge to Students
I am pleased that you are here, eager to know you better, and aware that you bring important experiences and characteristics to class with you. I want to do whatever I can to make this a valuable place of learning for you.
Because you are important in this class and in the world, I am going to work hard to help you grow as much and as fast as you can. Because your effort has much to do with your success, I am going to ask you to work hard as well.
You won't always get things right the first time you try them. Neither will I. When class is not going weil for you, I am going to work for you and with you to find approaches that will ensure your success. I will never give up on you.
You are young and just learning about the possbilities that exist in the world. I want to provide opportunities for you to see yourself at work in varied settings, in varied roles, and with varied content. This is a time for you to prepare for the future and get excited by the possibilities that exist for you.
I will listen to you, learn from you, observe you at work in our class, study your progress, and ask for your guidance. I will think about my work and how it's working for you as often as I possibly can. I expect that of myself so that I can become a more aware and effective teacher. I will ask the same of you so you can become a more aware and effective learner.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Wilmot